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CE Mark Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that our TCL3 Motion Tracking System has obtained CE marking, demonstrating compliance with the European Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR).

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Management Change

As part of planning future steps to realize TracInnovations’ full business potential, Stefan Banke has stepped down as CEO of TracInnovations. Effective immediately, Nicklas Jarnel will assume the role of Interim CEO for TracInnovations.

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TracInnovations and Siemens Healthineers aim to bring markerless motion correction one step closer to the clinical market

TracInnovations is delighted to announce the successful connection of their markerless motion tracking technology with a prototype of a Siemens Healthineers Access-I interface for brain MRI motion correction. Markerless motion tracking real-time information provided by Tracoline could be directly implemented during brain MRI acquisition to overcome patient motion as it is occurring.

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